Somerville Chocolate

Long overdue update

I’ve neglected the website…

Season #2 has been underway for a while, albeit way behind schedule. Somerville Chocolate’s move to the new facility at 14 Tyler street resulted in quite a bit of downtime over the spring / summer. At the moment work is progressing on harvest #4.

The new chocolate studio is up and running. It is located in the food incubator space adjacent to the new Aeronaut Brewery on Tyler street (Somerville).

2 thoughts on “Long overdue update

  1. Lori Horsley

    Howdy! Just wanted to say we love your chocolates. We receive a new batch (it was a wedding present for us from Sommerville friends) whenever it comes out and we force ourselves to NOT EAT IT ALL IN ONE SITTING!! It is the best chocolate (all the different percentages) I’ve ever had. Really really yummy. Thank you.

    1. Somerville Chocolate Post author

      Thanks Lori!

      Your comment just made my evening. It’s humbling to make something that would elicit such a response.

      The next harvest will compare three different Venezuelan cacaos. I hope it’s as well received as the Belize-


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